Michael Sabbeth is a lawyer, author, and

lecturer on ethics and rhetoric.
His recent work, The Honorable Hunter: Defending and Advancing Our Hunting Heritage, is a step by step guide on how to develop your own conversations on hunting that will be effective helping non-hunters better understand our passion. He has been a lecturer at Master Hunter Education programs, is an NRA-certified instructor in shotgun disciplines, a Boy Scout merit badge counselor in the shotgun discipline, consults for the United States Shooting Association on media relations and writes for many prominent hunting and shooting magazines, including Safari Magazine, The Double Gun Journal, Sporting Classics and ClayingShootingUSA. Topics Discussed:
Hemingway, his writing and discipline and drinking.
Ethics are everywhere in hunting and not just situational.
Crafting arguments in response to anti-hunting.
Virtual signaling and pathological altruism.
Words matter: trophy hunting.
Self Policing as hunters.
Finding legitimacy in hunting.
Harvesting vs Killing.
You can catch his episode here or anywhere you podcast.